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What changed in the firmware .zip files?
Posted: Sun Nov 19, 2023 4:52 pm
I noticed that the firmware .zip files grew on Thursday, without adding a new version. It looks like maybe the voice files have been added to the .zip files. That makes a lot of sense to me, especially if they can be different depending on which firmware, but I was curious to hear confirmation if that's what's happening.
Re: What changed in the firmware .zip files?
Posted: Sun Nov 19, 2023 5:41 pm
by F1RMB
Where that ?
Firmware zip file embed the firmware itself and the gla files (visual language packs).
Re: What changed in the firmware .zip files?
Posted: Sun Nov 19, 2023 11:00 pm
Ah, I mis-guessed what the .gla files were, then. Or forgot, if I knew.
If you download the 2023-09-15 firmware today, the .zip files are 4k larger than they were when originally released. For example was 212k, but now it's 216k, at the same location, and was 224k, but now it's 228k. The change happened on Thursday.
downloads/MDUV380_DM1701/Firmware/ad235 ... eb02229fa/ for example, but I don't have anything I can point to, to show that it was 4k smaller before. What I have is a notification from Wachete, which I use to detect when there's a new release.
I wondered briefly if they'd been tampered with. Infected, perhaps. The modification timestamps haven't changed, which is unusual if they were modified intentionally.
I suppose it's also possible that the web server was updated and now accounts for size differently, or it could be using the size on disk instead of the actual or apparent size of the files, and something in the filesystem has changed.
I'll have to see if I have a copy of the file from before the size (or the way is reported by the web server) changed.
Re: What changed in the firmware .zip files?
Posted: Sun Nov 19, 2023 11:14 pm
Ah, well I did find a copy of from before the change, and the old and new files match when downloaded, so whatever changed, it's the web server or the filesystem behind it, and not the files themselves. Apologies for any false alarm.
Re: What changed in the firmware .zip files?
Posted: Sun Dec 03, 2023 5:16 pm
In case anyone is curious, I found the bug in the LiteSpeed Web Server's PHP autoindex script and reported it to them. They were using the filesystem number of blocks allocated times 512 byte blocks instead of the actual size of the file. Filesystems vary in how they store files, and thus the number of blocks used, and the number of blocks can change over time for a variety of reasons.